Professor Winograd's focus is on human-computer interaction design and the design of technologies for development. He is on a number of journal editorial boards, including Human Computer Interaction, ACM Transactions on Computer Human Interaction, and Informatica. He has advised a number of companies started by his students, including Google. In 2011 he received the ACM SIGCHI Lifetime Research Award.
Dr. Feinstein's clinical focus is towards child and adolescent psychiatry, and the psychotherapeutic processes.
Dr. Tonellato’ s research focus is to apply the methods of biomedical informatics, mathematical modeling, and simulations to characterize and predict the use of genetics in medical practice and public health.
Paco has taught Cellular and Molecular Biology and Histology at the University of Jaén (Spain) since 1995, and has been Assistant Professor in Cellular Biology at the same university since 2002. He has a Ph.D. in Biology and a Master in Neurosciences and Behavioral Biology, and has published more than 50 papers in fields including molecular biology of DNA replication, mechanisms of oxidative stress in plants, cellular and molecular biology and histology of the central and peripheral nervous system -- including aging and neurodegeneration.
Peter Washington’ s research interests include developing data science methods to support machine learning for health and wellbeing, crowdsourcing for precision health, and precise digital interventions, and applying these methods to a variety of healthcare problems.
Nick Haber co-founded the Autism Glass Project at Stanford, a research effort that employs wearable technology and computer vision in a tool for children with autism. Aside from such work on learning and therapeutic tools, he and his research group develop artificial intelligence systems meant to mimic and model the ways people learn early in life, exploring their environments through play, social interaction, and curiosity.
Maude joined the lab in January 2014 and namely studies the gut microbiome of children with ASD (Autism Spectrum Disorder) utilizing a large scale, crowd sourced clinical study approach. Her expertise are in microbiology, bioinformatics and genomics, using and integrating metagenomics, metatranscriptomics and metaproteomics to understand microbial community functions. She received her PhD in February 2010 from the Ecole Centrale de Lyon, University of Lyon, France, with Prof. T.M. Vogel, on the origin of the dehalogenases and bioremediation of chlorinated solvent. Her grad-school work focused on the bacterial adaptation to chlorinated compounds at the genome (evolution mechanisms) and community (bioremediation) level. After graduation, she became a post-doctoral fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory with Prof. Janet Jansson. Her work looked at the impact of climate change on soil microbial ecology and specifically at how altered precipitation affect carbon cycle using meta-“omics” analysis of microbial carbon cycling responses.
Leticia is conducting an integrated systems biology analysis of all published autism spectrum disorders gene expression to test whether a common signature exists between blood and brain. She also performs cross-disease analysis of autism and other related disorders, as this approach may unravel the evidence of molecular overlap among these conditions and suggest common molecular mechanisms that could provide relevant insights into the etiology and pathology of autism. In her spare time, Leticia enjoys hanging out with friends in the search for great “tapas”, watching old movies, going to the beach, hiking and travelling.
Bongjun Ko is an AI Engineering Fellow at the Stanford Institute for Human-centered Artificial Intelligence (HAI) working to develop and apply artificial intelligence technologies for high-stake situations involving humans. In the Wall Lab, he is currently participating in a project developing machine-learning methods for helping children with autism through computer vision. Before joining Stanford HAI in September 2019, he worked as a Research Staff Member and Research Manager at the IBM T. J. Watson Research Center since 2006, from which he is currently on a leave-of-absence. In IBM Research, he led the research effort to develop AI technologies for Internet of Things (IoT) systems and applications and also worked on various research projects related to distributed systems, micro cloud, edge computing, and network analytics and management. He was an IBM Master Inventor (2013-2019), holding 40+ US patents, and served in invention development advisory/review board in IBM. Prior to joining IBM Research, he worked as a Senior Member of Research Staff in Philips Research North America, and as a research engineer in LG Electronics, Korea. In 1999, he co-founded a start-up, NeoMTel, Inc., in which he developed a new mobile animation codec that was shipped in more than 100 million mobile phones worldwide at the time. He received his Ph.D. in Electrical Engineering from Columbia University in 2006, and B.S. and M.S. degrees from Seoul National University in South Korea.
Maya joined the Wall Lab in October 2021. She graduated with honors from UCLA with a B.S. in Neuroscience, where she researched the neuromodulation of memory and emotion circuits with transcranial focused ultrasound. Maya previously worked as an Executive Functioning Instructor for neurodiverse children and adolescents. She is passionate about advancing children’s mental healthcare, and ultimately plans to pursue a PhD in Clinical Psychology.
Soren Sutaria is a rising senior at the Menlo School (class of 2022). He is an avid tennis player and co-directs the Mountain View program of ACEing Autism. This program brings structured tennis to local children on the Autism spectrum. At his school, Soren led the first-ever TEDxMenloSchool initiative. He is also captain of his high school tennis team, which ranks top 20 in the nation by UTR. Hoping to combine his interests in science and problem-solving with the passion to help children with Autism, Soren joined the Wall Lab team. He will now begin working on Gapmap in hopes of creating easier access to Autism services around the country.
Kevin Tabatabaei joined The Wall Lab’s genomics team in March 2020. His work has centered on using bioinformatics to analyze large whole-genome sequencing (WGS) datasets to identify molecular markers of autism. He is currently entering his senior year of studying Health Sciences at McMaster University in Hamilton, Canada, and intends to study medicine.
Catalin Voss is a German student entrepreneur at Stanford University. Voss founded the computer vision startup Sension during his freshman year at Stanford’s startup accelerator StartX, where he is an Innovator in Residence. Sension gained traction for developing expression recognition software used in education and for developing a Google Glass app to aid people with Autism in recognizing social cues. Before, Voss worked in mobile software engineering with the startup PayNearMe. Voss grew up and graduated from Leonardo Da Vinci Gymnasium high school near Heidelberg, Germany. He was interested in technology from a young age. When he was twelve, he taught himself the basics of mobile software development when iPhone apps first became popular. A year later, he started a German podcast about iOS development. Voss's tutorials quickly gained > 200,000 views and became the #1 podcast on the German iTunes store. In 2009, he began working with a startup in Stuttgart on iPhone apps for the U.S. Army stationed in Europe and launched five applications before he turned 15. Steve Capps hired Voss as a software engineer in 2010 to work on his Silicon Valley startup PayNearMe’s mobile product. Voss worked on the company’s iPhone, Android, and web platforms and helped launch a mobile cash payments platform. In 2012, Voss joined Stanford University at age 17 to pursue a degree in Computer Science (advisee of Professors Terry Winograd and Jerry Cain). During the same year, Voss advised the executive team of Germany's largest media company Axel Springer on structuring a technology partnership between a Silicon Valley outpost and Germany. His role gained national attention when the German magazine DER SPIEGEL covered his work in 2013. Today, As an IIR in the StartX program, Voss advises StartX’s founders on mobile engineering.
Tom worked in the Wall Lab from February 2004-May 2009. He has a Bachelor's of Science degree from Case Western Reserve University in Management Science with a core in Information Systems. His professional background is in web application development, enterprise software deployment, and data integration. During his time at the Wall Lab, Tom helped to create cutting-edge bioinformatics tools aimed at facilitating collaborative discovery in the fight to discover the causes of Autism and related disorders.
Maya joined the Wall Lab in June 2014. She is currently an undergraduate student at Stanford, where she is studying engineering. She is the 2016 Intel STS First Place award winner in the innovation category, and she has presented her research at the 2016 White House Science Fair. Maya is very interested in the application of computer science tools to healthcare, and her work at the lab focuses on the use of software tools to identify genetic causes of autism.